Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Why Hire Public Adjusters in Florida – The Advantages of Working with Professionals

The professional public adjusters in Florida companies can help you file insurance claims to cover reconstruction costs if your property suffers damage by hurricanes, floods, fires, mold, plumbing leaks, theft, vandalism or any other disasters. These firms are hired by the owner of the property to compile and submit their case files, to negotiate with insurers and to obtain maximum compensation.

Florida is frequently hit by extreme weather events, so much so that these phenomena are gradually becoming “normal” for the region. Thunderstorms, tornadoes, wildfires, lightning strikes cause extensive damage to Florida properties all year around, and if the inevitable happens and your property is hit by one of these disasters, you will see yourself entangled in the complicated and tedious process of submitting your insurance claim to obtain the money for the reconstruction of your property.

The most reputable public adjusters in Florida will help you handle the claim process in a professional manner, representing your best interests in the negotiations with your insurer and fighting for you every step of the way until you get the compensation you are entitled to.

Insurance companies usually try to award the lowest possible compensation for policyholders; sometimes they even reject justified claims. In these cases, public adjusters can get your case re-considered by re-entering into negotiations with the insurer, and they will also provide expert advice at each step, giving you complete control over the entire claim process.

If you decide to turn to the help of the , make sure you contact the right company; dedicated, reputable professionals are properly licensed and certified by the State of Florida and they hold multiple memberships in professional associations, to be able to keep abreast with the changes in applicable law and to serve the interests of their clients at the highest possible level.

Why Hire Public Adjusters in Florida – The Advantages of Working with Professionals

A Public Adjuster Will Work With Your Insurance Company to Resolve Your Homeowners Claim

After you file a claim with your homeowners insurance carrier, does it feel like it’s just you against a big corporation? That’s exactly what it is. The claims adjuster who comes out to investigate your fire, burglary or other property claim is usually a representative of a big financial conglomerate. A claims adjuster looks out for his corporate bosses, shouldn’t you have a  looking out for you?

Isn’t the insurance company on your side?

Of course insurance companies don’t market themselves as big corporate conglomerates. They talk about putting your family in “good” hands. They tell you it’s okay to be “human.” They say that they are “on your side.”

Insurance company songs and slogans convince you to hand over your premium dollars; but all that feel-good marketing is long gone by the time a big loss takes your family by surprise. That’s when you get a dose of big insurance company reality. That’s when you find out that there are two sides– yours and theirs.

That means you are on your own

After your home and personal property sustain unexpected damage you begin to see things clearly– you are the insured and they are the insurance company. They run things and you fall in line. Insurance company adjusters show up on their schedule. They tell you what to do with your property and personal belongings. You must put your life on hold while they decide what to do.

Insurance company adjusters toss out information on deductibles, coinsurance clauses, policy limits, and formulas for calculating your damages. Even if you’re a savvy policyholder, you may realize that you don’t know as much about insurance claims as you thought you did. It’s a bad time to be alone.

You Don’t Have to Handle it Alone

Organizations like  have informative websites to help insurance consumers through those post crisis days. They offer a library of articles that cover many critical topics. That can make you feel a little better, but wouldn’t you feel less stressed if you had your public adjuster waiting with you when the insurance claims adjuster arrives?

Public Adjusters are There for You

Public adjusters follow a code of ethics approved by the  They have claim backgrounds and insurance company claims training. They know how to work with insurance companies because they speak the same language.

Your public adjuster will report your claim to your homeowners carrier if you need him to. Once the insurance company is involved, your adjuster will make sure that the insurance company adjuster doesn’t walk all over you in his quest to satisfy his bosses.

You adjuster will do what insurance companies do, except he will do it just for you. He’ll review your policy, analyze your coverage, examine and estimate the repair costs of your property damage, help you with emergency measures, and walk you through any coverage issues. He will make sure the insurance company pays you what’s fair.

How Much Does a Public Adjuster Cost?

The beauty of hiring a public adjuster is that they only get paid if you get paid. Public adjusters receive a fee that’s based on the money they recover for you. That means you get to be the boss, but there’s no financial risk.

 for more information on public adjusters and what they can do for you.

A Public Adjuster Will Work With Your Insurance Company to Resolve Your Homeowners Claim

3 Steps to Getting a Proper Public Adjuster in New York

Finding a isn’t a daunting task. There are certain tips to remember to find the perfect adjuster, but the right adjuster will fall under all the proper categories. A public adjuster is different because he or she works for the client and never for the insurance companies, which is why the client needs to double check that the adjuster can do the necessary job.

1. Check the . This directory lists every public adjuster registered in the State of New York. If someone states that their NYPAA membership is pending, redirect attention back to the list and pick someone from the list. NYPAA members have the experience necessary to properly work for the client and they keep themselves abreast of all updated information.

2. Check the references of the . This can be done by asking the adjuster for references and by performing online rewiew searches. Ask others who they used for services. Talk to as many people as possible before moving forward. Using the professionals at will guarantee the client works with an adjuster who has all the necessary qualifications.

3. After the search is narrowed to a few adjusters, perform interviews with each adjuster as if it were a job interview. Ask about past work, future plans, successes and failures. Make sure every question is answered and understood completely. This is the time to get a feeling for how the relationship will unfold. It is important to have an experienced public adjuster with whom the client feels comfortable.

Call Equitable Public Adjusters at 877-869-8989 now to find the perfect public adjuster services. It is a short process to find a public adjuster, but the process has many different steps. Equitable Public Adjusters will be the public adjuster who will help a client skip these steps and receive the best public adjuster. Contact us now to move forward with your case.

3 Steps to Getting a Proper Public Adjuster in New York

NJ Public Adjusters Can Help Superstorm Sandy Victims Find Relief

It has been almost a year since Superstorm Sandy brought tears, damage and frustration to more than 2 million New Jersey residents. However, by all accounts, her sad after effects remain. “What after effects?”, you may ask. Well, many New Jersey residents have yet to rebuild or restore their homes and businesses. For proof, just take a look at the recent pieces that appeared on and in some New Jersey newspapers.

So what went wrong? Why are there still so many homes and businesses left in disarray? Part of the reason may rest with insurance related issues and the sheer scope of the damage. For example, in alone, at least 62 properties sustained storm related damage in excess of $28.8K. Now multiply numbers like that across the state and you’ll quickly start to get a glimpse at why there’s still so much devastation to contend with.

Notice that I also mentioned insurance issues. Sadly, many of those impacted by the superstorm didn’t have adequate coverage or any coverage at all. Others are currently being forced to wrestle with their insurance companies over how much money is needed to make them whole. This has also led to lawsuits being filed on behalf of residents and business owners alike. Now that you have a pretty good idea of why New Jersey residents are still in such a fix, you may be wondering how such problems may be avoided in the future.

NJ Public Adjusters

While it is true that we humans cannot control the weather, we can control how our insurance companies treat us after a storm. The ideal way to do that is to . A NJ public adjuster is not on an insurance company’s payroll. He or she works solely on the behalf of the property owner. In addition, a NJ public adjuster does not receive compensation unless he or she is successful at advocating on the property owner’s behalf. Therefore, there is a good chance that the insurance claim will be settled fairly and without the need for expensive litigation.

Furthermore, NJ public adjusters also have the capability to advocate on behalf of property owners who have already settled their insurance claims. As such, they could feasibly assist victims of Superstorm Sandy in reopening their claims and seeking adequate compensation.

For more information about how  can assist property owners after a superstorm, call 1-877-869-8989. We here at have extensive experience in the field. Thus, we are more than capable of assisting Superstorm Sandy victims in New Jersey and New York.

NJ Public Adjusters Can Help Superstorm Sandy Victims Find Relief

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Public Adjusters in Florida Can Help After Storm Surge Damage

Public Adjusters in Florida

Public Adjusters in Florida

Did you know that there are multiple areas nationwide that are prone to experiencing extensive storm surge damage? Several of them are located in South Florida because of the region’s geography. Those areas include Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens and Palm Beach.

According to a recent study by the group CoreLogic, it is not uncommon for surges in those areas to reach 15 feet. Of course that is not even taking into account storm tides, which may be in excess of 20 feet at times. Together, they have the potential to cause an estimated $380 billion dollars in damages each year.

That’s not even the worse of it. In the State of Florida, many homeowners’ insurance policies are complicated to understand do not include . Thus, South Florida’s property owners must often seek supplemental insurance elsewhere. Unfortunately, that supplemental coverage may also be limited and hard to understand. For example, some of the policies may not cover flood damage unless it impacts more than 2 acres of property and includes tidal waters.

At this moment, you may be wondering “What should South Floridians do in the event of a storm surge to ensure that they are made whole?” In short, the best option is to seek out the services of . That’s because public adjusters in Florida make it a point to look out for South Floridians’ best interests after a storm surge. They can help you file your storm surge claim and fight for the maximum award allowed. Furthermore, they can also assist with the reopening of previous storm surge claims where you may have not been treated fairly.

To learn more about and how they can help you recover after a storm surge,  Equitable Public Adjusters & Appraisers by calling 1-877-869-8989. We have more than five decade’s worth of experience in handling storm related claims in Florida, New York and New Jersey.

Public Adjusters in Florida Can Help After Storm Surge Damage

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