Monday, December 23, 2013

Independent Insurance Adjuster’s Tips for Dealing with Winter Roof Leaks

Water Damaged CeilingDid you know that roof leaks can occur in the winter? It’s true. The situation is most often the result of snowmelt, poor insulation and ice damming issues. Ice damming related problems are the ones that our independent insurance adjusters tend to deal with each year. So if such problems occur at your home or business this year, consider keeping our tips in mind:

Tip #1: Rake Away Debris

One way to temporarily handle winter leaks is to remove as much snow as you can with a roof rake. They are typically available for purchase through various retailers. Just make sure that the rake you choose has a handle that is long enough reach the roof from the ground. That way, you won’t have to risk your life making an icy climb.

Tip #2: Clear the Gutters

While you are raking, make it a point to clear the gutters. Some people opt to do that by filling ladies’ nylons with ice melt and placing them onto the ice. If you do decide to take that route, keep in mind that some deicers can cause structural damage and plant death. So it is important to select an ice melt product that is safe for your structure’s roofing system and landscaping. In some instances, that may be a product made with calcium chloride.

Tip #3: Patch it with Plastic Roof Cement

If you end up with a clear day and a snow free roof, consider temporarily patching problem areas with plastic roof cement.  There are certain types, like Gardner Gibson’s Wet-R-Dri, that may be used during the winter months. In general, you will need two gallons of the product for every 24 square feet of coverage.

Tip #4: Keep the Area Cool

Keeping the attic cold can also help stave off problems. To do that, consider air sealing any gaps between the attic floor and the heated levels of your structure. You may also want to install attic fans and insulation as well as refrain from using any heat generating appliances that vent into the space.

Tip #5: Look for Hidden Damage

Using an infrared camera to look for any hidden water damage after a roof leak has occurred is also a good idea. If you don’t want to purchase a camera and do the work yourself, make sure that you hire a licensed professional. Otherwise, you may end up with unreliable test results.

Tip #6: Contact Us

Lastly, remember to contact our independent insurance adjusters before filing a winter roof leak claim. We can help with the paperwork and ensure that your insurance company acts fairly during the settlement process. To contact our independent insurance adjusters in New Jersey and New York, please send us a message online or call (877) 869-8989.

Independent Insurance Adjuster’s Tips for Dealing with Winter Roof Leaks

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Public Adjuster in Florida’s 5 Tips for Year-end Insurance Review Time

Florida Public AdjustersWith the start of 2014 only a few weeks away, our public adjuster in Florida would like to remind everyone to conduct a year-end insurance review. After all, completing a year-end insurance review can save you from having to deal with aggravation, out-of-pocket expenses and confusion in the months ahead.

#1: Review Hurricane/Flood Policies

Two of the first things that Floridians should review are their hurricane and flood insurance policies. Hurricane and flood insurance coverage are normally listed separately from other storm related provisions. The hurricane portion may also feature a fixed or percentage deductible. Therefore, it is important to review which one you have and whether or not it still meets your family’s needs.

#2: Review Sinkhole Policy

Although 2013 was a mild year for hurricanes in Florida, it was a wicked one when it came to sinkholes. They cropped up in a variety of places including Clermont, Winter Park and Hillsborough County. Given that fact and the changes that were made to the way sinkhole insurance claims are handled in the state, it is best to review your coverage carefully.

Look to make sure that you are covered for catastrophic ground collapse as well as sinkhole loss. The sinkhole loss portion is usually part of an endorsement policy and covers cosmetic damages. The catastrophic ground collapse coverage, on the other hand, normally does not address cosmetic or land stability related damages.

#3: Review Floater/Endorsement Policies

Does your insurance coverage include endorsement policies and floaters? If so, be sure the go over the details of those as well. You may find those policies will need to be altered based on updated appraisal values, new purchases and sales. While you are at it, take a second to update your inventory list as well. Doing so may just help you remember a valuable piece of jewelry or other item that you forgot to insure during the last policy examination.

#4: Review Homeowner’s Policy

Once you’ve reviewed all of the extras, run through your basic homeowner’s policy too. Depending on the age of your home and its location, you may want to change from a HO-2 policy to a HO-3 or HO-8 policy instead. Each one has its good and bad points. Thus, it pays to weigh your options carefully.

#5: Review Discounts/Maintenance Needs

Lastly, take a look at which discounts you may be eligible for now and within the next six months. Remember, completing some spring improvement projects may just bring your homeowner’s insurance down a bit. Examples include the installation of electronic home security systems, fencing and hurricane shutters.

Those are just five things to remember when conducting a year-end insurance review. To speak with our public adjusters in Florida and learn more, please contact us at (877) 869-8989. We have 50+ years worth of experience handling insurance claims and the recoveries records to prove it.

Public Adjuster in Florida’s 5 Tips for Year-end Insurance Review Time

Monday, December 16, 2013

Florida Insurance Adjuster Discusses 2013 Sinkhole Insurance Claims

Florida Insurance adjusterIn mid November 2013, national headlines were rocked with news regarding yet another sinkhole forming in the Sunshine State. That particular one occurred in Dunedin and quickly expanded to 90 feet in diameter. In the process, it claimed homes and a 14-foot long boat. Because of that, our Florida insurance adjuster wanted to take time out to discuss sinkhole insurance claims.

Sinkholes, unfortunately, are just as much a part of Southern life as subterranean termites and hurricanes. There is really no escaping all three. The best one can do is take preventive measures and keep a Florida insurance adjuster’s number on speed dial. This is especially the case if your property happens to be located in what’s known as sinkhole alley.

There are eight different types of sinkholes that commonly occur in the state. The one that took place in Dunedin is frequently referred to as a catastrophic ground collapse. The damage caused by such events is traditionally covered by standard homeowner’s insurance policies. Problems caused by smaller sinkholes, however, are not normally a part of standard policies.

For example, let’s pretend that a small sinkhole forms near your home’s concrete pad. As a result, your home’s walls, foundation and ceiling develop minor cracks. The cost of repairing those cracks and filling the hole will most likely fall on you unless you have what’s known as an endorsement for sinkhole loss. The endorsement is generally purchased separately and has its own deductible. Therefore, it is best to make sure that your total insurance coverage addresses the various sinkhole types as well as relocation/living expenses.

Should you notice sinkhole activity on your Florida property, it’s best to contact our Florida insurance adjusters straightaway. We can help you sort out which deductibles and provisions apply to your sinkhole situation. In some instances, it may also be necessary to notify your county’s emergency management team, geologists and specialty contractors to solve the problem. The Florida Geological Survey has a phone line and comprehensive web page devoted to dealing with such issues. You may find reviewing it helpful as well.

To learn more about how our Florida insurance adjuster can provide assistance with sinkhole insurance claims, please contact us. We may be reached by e-mail or by calling (877) 869-8989. Our Florida insurance adjuster also welcomes comments about sinkhole issues on the Equitable Public Adjusters’ Facebook and LinkedIn pages too.

Florida Insurance Adjuster Discusses 2013 Sinkhole Insurance Claims

Monday, December 2, 2013

Public Adjusting Firm Discusses Winter Lightning Damage and Thundersnow

Winter Lightning damage ThundersnowDid you know that most people associate lightning damage with warm weather? What they fail to realize is that such activity is not restricted to certain times of the year. Just ask the independent insurance claims adjusters that work at our public adjusting firm. They all know that thunder and lightning storms can, and do, occur in the winter months. The scientific community even has a name for such weather occurrences. They refer to them as thundersnow events.

Thundersnow events have a history of taking place in various states, including New York. When they do take place, the lightning bolts’ ampage levels are said to be significantly higher than those that occur during warm weather events. Depending on the situation, the currents generated from a single bolt may range from 2,000 amps to 200 million volts.

For those property owners whose assets are hit with wintry bolts from the blue, extensive damage is the likely result. As an example of how much damage may result, take a look at the Insurance Information Institute’s latest lightning claims report. It indicated that close to $1 billion dollars in lightning damage was reported in 2012. However, the report did not divide the $1 billion dollars in damages up into seasons. Therefore, there is no definitive way of knowing just how much of it was caused by winter lightning events.

As a public adjusting firm, what we do know is that regardless of the season, it pays to be mindful of lightning’s damage potential. With that said, we’d like to encourage property owners to review their insurance policies now. That way, they’ll know if they have winter lightning related coverage. We’d also like to remind everyone that we can assist residents in NY and FL with filing lightning damage claims year round. To learn more about the claims’ filing process in those areas, please contact us. Our public adjusting firm’s phone number is (877) 869-8989.

Public Adjusting Firm Discusses Winter Lightning Damage and Thundersnow