Friday, January 31, 2014

NY Independent Insurance Adjuster Talks about Super Bowl 2014 Concerns

Football fans in New York are without a doubt gearing up for Super Bowl XLVIII. This is especially likely to be the case for those living near MetLife Stadium. If you happen to be one of them, don’t let all of the fan frenzy cause you to forget about crucial issues like insurance coverage and legal precedence. Here’s why:

Nowadays, property owners that host Super Bowl parties need to be concerned about more than whether or not there is enough Cheese Whiz, chips and ice to make it through half time. They also need to be mindful of social host or dram shop liability. It is a legal concept that may make New York Super Bowl 2014 hosts both civilly and criminally liable for certain damages caused on behalf of their intoxicated guests. We should mention that in some areas of the state, the law covers guests of all ages. In other locations, it may only apply to underage, Super Bowl party attendees.

It isn’t the only insurance issue that can wreck havoc on a New Yorker’s Super Bowl plans. The Insurance Information Institute also notes that peer-to-peer rentals, overnight guests, onsite injuries, theft and vandalism related issues can also cause football fans a good deal of consternation.

With that in mind, our independent insurance adjusters urge New Yorkers to become familiar with their area’s social host laws and review their homeowner’s insurance policies. The ideal way to do that is to speak with a county attorney and your insurance company representative. That way, you can feel confident that your Super Bowl shindig won’t put you on the wrong side of an insurance claim or the law.

Our independent insurance adjusters would also like to encourage New Yorkers that need to file a Super Bowl 2014 insurance related claim to contact us at (877) 869-8989. Remember, we are on your team and can help significantly level the playing field when it comes to damage recovery.

NY Independent Insurance Adjuster Talks about Super Bowl 2014 Concerns

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Public Adjuster in New York Discusses Winter Roof Collapse Issues

There are many more weeks of potential snow storms in front of us and our public adjusters in New York know what that means. The back breaking task of keeping one’s property safe from Mother Nature’s worst is apt to continue. One of the issues that New Yorkers may have to handle in that regard is the potential for roof collapse.

According to the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety’s research, as little as 2.1 feet of snowfall could cause a New Yorker’s roof to collapse. The level of risk all depends on the type of snow, the snow load, the type of roof and what condition it’s in.

In general, packed snow and ice tend to be the most worrisome because they can apply more than 20 pounds of pressure per square foot to a New York building’s roof. The amount of pressure per square foot that a roof can withstand safely varies based on several factors, including the age of the building and where it is located. However, the roofs of many buildings in New York cannot bear much more than 20 pounds of pressure.

New Yorkers curious as to exactly how much pressure their buildings’ roofs can withstand should consider checking out four resources. Those resources are the Structural Building Components Association, the International Building/Residential Codes, the American Society of Civil Engineers and the building company responsible for the dwelling in question’s construction. They tend to have access to such critical information.

To prevent a roof from collapsing, our New York public adjusters would like to stress that it’s important to periodically remove some of the pressure. This can typically be done by a property owner with the aid of a roof rake. It’s also obviously a great idea to keep one’s roof structurally sound year round. That will generally require the use of a licensed, bonded and insured contractor. Performing both tasks is likely to minimize the property owners’ risk of experiencing a winter roof collapse.

Our public adjusters in New York want to emphasize the value of reviewing one’s roof collapse coverage as well. After all, some homeowners’ or commercial insurance policies do not cover roof collapse damage claims, roof replacement and temporary relocation costs.

Property owners that take all of the necessary precautions but still fall victim to a winter roof collapse should consider contacting our New York public adjusters. They can help file roof collapse claims and much more. To uncover additional details about how public adjusters in New York can help property owners deal with winter roof collapse related claims, please contact us at (877) 869-8989.

Public Adjuster in New York Discusses Winter Roof Collapse Issues

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Florida Public Adjusters’ Tips for Planning Remodeling Projects

Florida Public Adjusters Tips for Planning Remodeling ProjectsDo you have your sights set on completing some sort of home or business remodeling project in the weeks ahead? If so, you might want to pause a moment and read our Florida public adjusters’ tips for planning a home or business improvement project:

#1: Check Your Liability Coverage

Before planning any project, take at look at your existing insurance policies. Ideally, they should include liability or medical coverage that will take care of any mishaps that may occur while the work crew is on site. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a financial and legal quagmire.

#2: Ask the Agent about Remodeling Discounts

While you have your insurance policies spread out onto the kitchen table, why not call your agent and ask about potential discounts too? Depending on the provider, you may be able to lower your monthly premiums by simply adding certain elements to your remodeling project. Examples include impact-resistant windows, centrally monitored burglar alarm systems, select roof-deck attachments, FBC roof coverings and storm shutters.

#3: Check for Manufacturer’s Rebates & Tax Credits

Certain items that you may need to complete your remodeling plans could very well make you eligible for manufacturer’s rebates and tax credits too. The list of eligible items that may save you money includes, but is not confined to, geothermal heat pumps, solar water heaters and wind turbines.

#4: Hire the Right Remodeling Contractor

Lastly, our Florida public adjusters would like to caution you and other property owners to use prudence when selecting a remodeling contractor. The National Association of the Remodeling Industry has a wealth of information that can help you make that decision.

In our experience, it is also important to learn about the Florida Homeowners’ Construction Recovery Fund and the state’s Construction Industry Licensing Board. The fund and board are affiliated with one another and based in Tallahassee. The fund is designed to financially reimburse property owners who are harmed by contractors working in the Sunshine State.

To discuss these and other property management tips further, please contact our Florida public adjusters at (877) 869-8989. We can help you file remodeling related insurance claims and seek the reimbursement that you deserve.

Florida Public Adjusters’ Tips for Planning Remodeling Projects

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Public Adjusters in Florida Shine Light on Solar Panel Insurance Issues

home solar panel insuranceIf you’ve been skipping through the Sunshine State’s latest news headlines, there is a 98% chance that you’ve run across mention of solar panels. In our public adjusters’ experience, some of the stories have been pro-solar power. Others have pointed out that the renewable technology has inherent dangers that Floridians and insurance industry members need to be aware of. As such, our public adjusters in Florida wanted to weigh in on the issue.

Just like other energy generating products that South Floridians add to their homes, solar panels may create a fire risk. The risk level tends to be predicated on the type and quality of equipment involved as well as the installer’s skills. For example, photo-voltaic systems with inferior wiring may cause arc fault fires that are difficult for fire fighters to handle. The fires can be so challenging in fact, that in October 2013 the National Fire Protection Association issued updated guidelines that focus specifically on dealing with solar energy related blazes.

With that said, our public adjusters in Florida strongly suggest that if you want to install solar panels that you do your homework. At the very least, the solar panel system’s components should have a fire classification that your local fire fighters are familiar with and meet or exceed international building codes. It is also crucial to select a licensed, insured and experienced installer that offers some form of warranty. Otherwise, you could end up putting your family and South Florida property’s safety at risk.

Prior to installing the system, it’s imperative that you contact your homeowner’s insurance provider and local utility company as well. Based on what they say, it may be necessary to increase your property’s insurance coverage. In general, an increase is typically recommended if property owners plan on entering into a net metering or PPSA agreement with the utility company. We’d also suggest that you investigate whether or not any solar system related rebates, insurance discounts and tax credits are available in your South Florida county.

After the installation is complete, should you ever need to file a fire or other insurance claim, be sure to contact us at (877) 869-8989. Remember, our public adjusters in Florida will work hard every time to ensure that you don’t get burned by the insurance companies.

Public Adjusters in Florida Shine Light on Solar Panel Insurance Issues