Friday, January 31, 2014

NY Independent Insurance Adjuster Talks about Super Bowl 2014 Concerns

Football fans in New York are without a doubt gearing up for Super Bowl XLVIII. This is especially likely to be the case for those living near MetLife Stadium. If you happen to be one of them, don’t let all of the fan frenzy cause you to forget about crucial issues like insurance coverage and legal precedence. Here’s why:

Nowadays, property owners that host Super Bowl parties need to be concerned about more than whether or not there is enough Cheese Whiz, chips and ice to make it through half time. They also need to be mindful of social host or dram shop liability. It is a legal concept that may make New York Super Bowl 2014 hosts both civilly and criminally liable for certain damages caused on behalf of their intoxicated guests. We should mention that in some areas of the state, the law covers guests of all ages. In other locations, it may only apply to underage, Super Bowl party attendees.

It isn’t the only insurance issue that can wreck havoc on a New Yorker’s Super Bowl plans. The Insurance Information Institute also notes that peer-to-peer rentals, overnight guests, onsite injuries, theft and vandalism related issues can also cause football fans a good deal of consternation.

With that in mind, our independent insurance adjusters urge New Yorkers to become familiar with their area’s social host laws and review their homeowner’s insurance policies. The ideal way to do that is to speak with a county attorney and your insurance company representative. That way, you can feel confident that your Super Bowl shindig won’t put you on the wrong side of an insurance claim or the law.

Our independent insurance adjusters would also like to encourage New Yorkers that need to file a Super Bowl 2014 insurance related claim to contact us at (877) 869-8989. Remember, we are on your team and can help significantly level the playing field when it comes to damage recovery.

NY Independent Insurance Adjuster Talks about Super Bowl 2014 Concerns

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